Verbotene Kinder

Verbotene Kinder – Die Kinder der italienischen Saisonniers erzählen von Trennung und Illegalität
Marina Frigerio

This book, originally intended primarily for the Italian market, tells of one of the darkest chapters in recent Swiss history. About the so-called "closet children". About thousands of families who were faced with an inhumane decision due to the ban on family reunification: Do we leave our children with relatives (at best) or in children's homes, or do we take them (illegally) to Switzerland. Which for them meant: hiding. In contrast to the Verdingkindern, the allegalized children of migrant workers are still waiting for a public apology or satisfaction. In our film, Marina Frigerio also reports on the fate of the many forbidden children she met. In this book, Frigerio also lets the eyewitnesses tell their stories, resulting in an impressive collection.


Animaterra – Pfad der Versöhnung


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