Tra due Culture

Tra due Culture – Otto ritratti di donne italiane in Svizzera
Rosanna Ambrosi

One of the most important topics in our film deals with the experiences of women who have come to Switzerland to work. Their stories are often underrepresented in research and in the media, which makes Rosanna Ambrosi's book all the more important. She collects the stories of 8 women from the first and second generation of Italian workers in Switzerland and thus provides what is probably the most important contemporary document on this topic. While women in Italy had already had the right to vote and stand for election for decades, in Switzerland they encountered a society that actively kept the female sex small. At the same time, by emigrating, women left the often rigid family and role models in which they had grown up and emancipated themselves in this way. The stories told by the author show how they lived in this enormous field of tension. She herself came to Zurich in 1964 and also tells her own story in our film.


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