Jagt sie weg!

Jagt sie weg! – Die Schwarzenbach-Initiative und die italienischen Migranten
Concetto Vecchio

Based on the story of his own parents, Concetto Vecchio tells the story of an entire generation of Italian migrant workers in Switzerland. The intimate insight he provides into the background and motivations of his parents gives us a unique inside view of the lives of "guest workers" in Switzerland, an insight that is by no means limited to the negative. Vecchio, who himself was born in Lenzburg and re-emigrated to Italy with his family as a teenager, manages to interweave the global and family, macro and micro levels in a magnificent way. His book revolves around the major turning point in the Swiss migration debate. The "Überfremdungsinitiative", initiated in 1968 by National Councillor James Schwarzenbach.


Tra due Culture


Der Siebte Mensch