Animaterra – Pfad der Versöhnung

Animaterra – Pfad der Versöhnung
Gemma Capone

Gemma Capone is a prominent figure in the migrant community in the Lake Zurich region. For over 20 years, the Italian-born presenter of the programme "L'Ora Italiana" on the alternative radio station LoRa, with which she is still closely associated. Her life's journey took her from Campania via Naples directly to Rapperswil-Jona, where she still lives today. We follow this life path in "Animaterra - Path of Reconciliation". The loosely connected memories of her migrant life seem almost fragmentary, yet the book focuses on some very important - and often underrepresented - aspects of migration. The role of women. As a mother, daughter and foreigner in an often foreign society. Gemma provides intimate insights into these often tense relationships. That is why she is also an important contemporary witness for our film project.


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